1174 Main Street    Holden, Massachusetts 01520

Who Can Join and What Happens if I Do?

Preschool Resources

Child Care/
Family Providers

Tuition Guidelines


Upcoming Events

About WCPC


Any OCCS licensed child care provider is welcome to join the partnership and become a council member.  There is no fee to join, however, you must submit a copy of your current OCCS license and liability insurance.

If you join, you must be willing to care for children subsidized by the partnership.  However, you will not be forced to enroll anyone, and enrolled families must still follow your policies regarding payment, termination, etc.

You will be reimbursed $30 per full day of care for CPC children ($20 for 3-6 hours of care and $15 for 3 hours and under).

You must also agree to become nationally accredited within three years of joining the CPC by the NAEYC for group providers, or the NAFCC for family providers.  The partnership pays for the cost of accreditation, for supplies you may need to upgrade your program for accreditation, and for consulting services while you go through the process.

Funding is renewable annually (July 1 - June 30).  All programs are contingent upon renewal.

What if I Decide I No Longer Want to Participate?
When you join the partnership, you sign a contract with the Lead Agent.  If you want to withdraw your membership, a two week written notice will serve to break the contract.
For more information please call  the Wachusett Community Partnership office and speak to the Program Coordinator at (508)829-0729.
Here is What Some Partnership Providers Have to Say About the Program
"The Wachusett Community Partnership for Children  has helped me, as a Family Child Care Provider, to be more involved in our community in an educational and supportive role.  The resources that have been made available to families and providers of our community are invaluable.  The Partnership has not only helped to enhance the quality of the program I offer, but has afforded this higher quality to the families of our community who might not have the opportunity without this grant."
- Cathy Purtle, Happy Hearts Family Child Care

Wachusett CPC is continually seeking high quality consultants for training in the field of early care and education and for support services such as behavioral, speech and language and OT consultation. Please contact the program coordinator at 508-829-0729 or email consultants@wachusettcpc.org for more information.

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CP Webwolf
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